Wooden High Chairs

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I remember having a wooden high chair when I was little, are there any companies that still make wooden high chairs?

Wooden High Chairs

Wooden high chairs can be a nostalgic way to relive your childhood memories and add a nice retro flair to your kitchen decor. Many types of brands and baby supply stores offer a wood style high chair, simply check your local retailers or online. Regardless of which type of high chair you buy for your baby, be aware of safety concerns. Make sure that there are proper restraints attached to the high chair and no sharp edges that could potentially injure your baby during mealtime.

If you do purchase a wooden high chair, be sure to put foot protectors on the bottom of the legs to save your kitchen floor. Also, a chair pad is a nice addition for a wooden high chair, simply ensure that it is securely fastened to the seat preventing your baby from slipping out the front and becoming trapped between he chair and the tray.



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