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How can I make sure that the stroller I purchase is safe for baby?


When choosing a main stroller for the baby it's best to consider the features that will best serve you in the long run. The look of the stroller may also be important for some, but make sure that the stroller has the conveniences that you will need on an overall recurring basis. Some of these items include:

  • a large basket on the bottom

  • covers that are easy to remove and clean

  • a break on the wheels

  • a good sunshade

  • a safe and easy to use harness system

  • reclining positions from sitting to flat

  • trays with cup holders for parents and for the baby

  • a parent tray with a closing compartment (for keys, ipods, etc...)

  • compact folding capability

You will most likely also benefit from a stroller system that includes a car seat and carrier, since this will be where the baby will be carried for his first few months. It is really convenient since all you have to do is put the carrier in and out of the car seat base and click it into place on the stroller when you're off to the store or park. You can also just remove the carrier and take it without the stroller when you go to do quick errands, a friend's house or a restaurant where you can just place the carrier on a chair or next to you on a booth.



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