Baby Shower Gifts

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Baby Shower Gifts

Baby shower gifts are great for helping the mom-to-be with the overwhelming task of getting what she needs for when the baby comes. Here are some ideas of what to get when you may not be sure what would be best for the new mom

  • Packs of washcloths, burp rags and towels

  • A baby carrier or sling enabling Mom hands free baby transport comfort.

  • A baby journal for writing events that happen for baby from birth to 1 or 2 years

  • Onsies for warm weather and footsies for colder days or inside play

  • Feeding accessories such as bottles and bibs

  • A portable changing mat with pockets

  • A couple of swaddlers for sleeping

  • Infant toys

Most parents will have a registry at a baby store, if so get something from the list. Not only will this make it easier on you to get the right thing, but it will ensure you buy something that the parents to be really need and want.



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