How Much Milk to Feed a Baby

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How Much Milk to Feed a Baby

For new moms it can be a little overwhelming to know how much is enough when it comes to feeding their new infants. Of course, the hospital and the baby's doctor will let you know how and when to feed the baby, but as babies are all different the amounts can vary greatly from one baby to the next.

For breastfeeding moms, the best way is to let the baby eat until he stops or falls asleep. Follow this trend and as long as the baby is thriving and growing normally then you are doing fine. During the first few months of life the doctor will check the baby quite frequently - every few weeks - so that if the baby is not gaining the right amount of weight the doctor will discuss what can be done to get more nutrition into the baby.

For formula feeding moms, it is easier to know how much the baby is eating since you can measure it in the bottles. Just follow the guidelines that are set for your baby's age and let the baby fine tune it by letting her drink until she is full.

You can also find lots of feeding advice information in baby magazines, baby online sites, pamphlets provided by different baby care companies and your doctor. So don't dispair and you will surely find a medium between what is suggested and what your baby's own appetite.



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