Shopping Cart Covers

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Shopping Cart Covers

Once your baby can sit up on her own, you'll be happily surprised at how may new and exciting things she'll be able to do. Your baby will now start playing a lot more with toys as she will have more control to push, bang, and throw! She'll also start eating in a high chair and sitting up to get those cute little outfits on so much easier.

Another thing that your baby will be able to join you in is shopping from her great new sitting area on the cart! So it is a great idea to get one of those cart covers so you can keep her hands away from that germy handlebar. Not only are they good in germ protection, but they are also cushy and comfortable for the baby. You can also put a few toys in there with her so she can entertain herself while you browse the magazine or book section.

Many models also come with pockets to put bottles, pacifiers, hand wipes etc. Some even have tethers to hang toys from to keep them from flying off the cart. Get one that folds and unfolds easily as you will surely use it often. It's also a good idea to keep it in the car, that way it's there every time you need it when at any store you visit with the little one.



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